Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Modern Day Nazis

I am writing this to give a background into what Fascists are and what Fascism is with the view of opening the eyes of the public to seeing how dangerous it is to give Fascists a free role in the community and free speech.

Here are the dictionary definitions of the words;

FASCIST : [fash-ist]



a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.


( often initial capital letter ) a member of a fascist movement or party.


a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.

FASCISM : [fash-iz-uhm]



( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.


( sometimes initial capital letter ) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.


( initial capital letter ) a fascist movement, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

I've no idea why the white has appeared above but it can't be moved, appologies.
Well known cases of Fascism are Mussolini in Italy (as stated above), Franco in Spain (cause of the Spanish civil war) and Hitler and the Nazi party that caused World War Two.

Fascism is a political stance that uses racist views to form its opinions and policies, I will explain how this is true in each of the cases mentioned above;

It is very well known that Mussolini looked up to and even idolized Adolf Hitler, this is shown in his ‘copy-cat’ style creation of the Manifesto Della Razza, also known as the Charter of Race or the Racial Manifesto in the summer of 1938. This manifesto set out to withdraw Italian citizenship from all followers or Judaism. This meant many Jewish people lost their jobs within the government and even more lost their positions within their individual professions. This manifesto was vastly unpopular and even Pope Pius XII sent a letter to Mussolini protesting against the race-based laws.

Secondly there is Franco in Spain. Franco came from a military background rather than a political one such as Mussolini and Hitler. Franco led the Spanish army that attempted to crush the left wing after a vote that didn’t turn the way he had hoped. Franco used Hitler’s famous concentration camps to accommodate thousands of people under the pretence of them ‘not having a citizenship’… Basically, Franco sent the people from backgrounds that he didn’t value or want in Spain to Concentration camps.

Franco shared an alliance with the catholic church and this showed throughout the civil war, when many sections of the church promoted propaganda and made a plea for civilians to join the side of Franco, one of the most famous cases of this was the ‘blue shirts’ of Ireland.

Next we have Hitler, who we all have a bit of knowledge about. Hitler believed that the Aryan race (pure German) was the master race, and the reason that Germany lost World War One was because of the dilution of this race by Aryan’s marrying non-Aryans. He set out on his battle with everybody other than the ‘tall, long legged and blonde’ Aryan race which lead to an estimated 6 million Jews killed throughout the Holocaust.

So there is a brief view of three well known Fascist dictators and the horror that they caused between them and that concludes today’s history lesson!

So what about today? The Nazi’s finished after World War Two, right? WRONG!

In Britain today we have political parties such as the BNP (British National Party) and the NF (National Front) with policies such as;

- Deport all the two million plus who are here illegally;

This is the same for every party, as a matter of LEGAL JUSTICE rather than RACE.

- Deport all those who commit crimes and whose original nationality was not British;

This is a RACIST policy, criminals should be charged according to the courts of justice and in accordance with the law regardless of RACE.

- Review all recent grants of residence or citizenship to ensure they are still appropriate;

I’m pretty sure this is a way of ‘withdrawing’ citizenship after it has been awarded, clearly a RACIAL issue.

- Offer generous grants to those of foreign descent resident here who wish to leave permanently;

Paying non-white British to leave the UK, because killing them a la Hitler is too far? I think so!

- Stop all new immigration except for exceptional cases;

This is an attempt to create an all-white Britain, very Hitleresque!

- Reject all asylum seekers who passed safe countries on their way to Britain.

To me this means ‘why Britain if XYZ is also safe’…a very insensitive look at somebody looking to reside in Britain. This almost promotes using Britain as a first point of call, which I’m sure they don’t want!

The National Front uses the tag line ‘Our land, Our People, Our Future’ which shows that they share the BNP’s views of a white only Britain, and if you don’t think that’s what they mean then they’re common reference of Britain as ‘The White Nations’ must clarify any confusion!

Both these parties flick between groups of street level thugs as a form of recruitment of voters. Street gangs such as the EDL (English Defense League) and the CXF (Combined Ex-Forces) terrorize towns throughout the UK with the regular alcohol fuelled coach trips, making sure they visit areas with large Muslim communities in order to create confrontations. Below these semi-well-known groups there are groups such as NWI (north-West Infidels) who seem to be the victims of a case of political Chinese whispers, and the message they’ve received is somewhat distorted.

The members in suits such as Nick Griffin (regularly embarrassed on TV) feed their dribble to semi-educated thugs (EDL and CXF) who then feed their interpretations to the likes of NWI who then take to the streets in a drunken state in an attempt to impress other highly-uneducated groups from around the UK. This seems to be the hierarchy of the right wing in Britain today, however even the ‘top boys’ in suits never fail to show their lack of intelligence, such as Liverpool Mayor candidate Mr Peter Tierney, who is in a Police Cell as I type for what is to be believed as a breach of section 27 (a 48 hour ‘ASBO’ designed to prevent alcohol-related crime or disorder).

At the moment there is a case being tried in Liverpool Crown Court of a paedophile ring. This group consists of mainly Muslims, which is an ideal opportunity for the Nazi’s of Britain to promote their racist propaganda. Any normal thinking individual can see that not all paedophiles are Muslims, or that all Muslims are not paedophiles however the Fascist parties of Britain attempt to make you believe that it is a norm, it is a trend and that figures show that the majority of Muslims are paedophiles. The same goes for the BNP down south manipulating figures to make their propaganda read as if all gun and knife crime, cases of assault and cases of rape are committed by members of the black community.

There is a vote for Mayor of Liverpool taking place soon and there is a number of candidates running from such Fascist parties (such as Peter Tierney, did I mention that he was arrested today) and as usual, they have a ‘mayoral debate’ where each candidate airs their views and promotes themselves in order to gain votes, not this time! As people who understand how dangerous it is to allow fascists to speak openly and promote their racist views we stopped the venue from giving the Fascists a platform to talk from…TWICE! This debate did not take place, this is also known as a VICTORY for everyone who is against racism and fascism all over the world, especially Liverpool.

The Nazi view is also that anybody who doesn’t follow their racist regime is a paedophile supporter or is against British soldiers, this is an attempt to shame you into believing their nonsense. I find this amusing as it was the British soldiers who fought against the Racists and Fascists, now they are dreaming of living under a Nazi like rule under the pretence of supporting the army. Ask your granddad who he was fighting against, and then look in your handbook lads… similar?

If you want to see more instances of what I have written about the Fascists manipulating and exploiting crimes to gain support visit their websites and note their complete lack of acceptance that the same crimes are committed by white British just as much, in some cases more commonly than they would have you believe.

Everybody in the UK understands what it means to live under both a labour government and a conservative government as this has been the trend of late. It is also important to know what it would mean to live under a Fascist government and that the possibility of such is very real! There are still ‘politicians’ with Nazi views and Nazi ideals that are more than prepared to use Nazi policies to create an all-white Britain!

It is down to us to ensure this does not happen and we must act in unity as has been done before.

Illiteracy blinds the spirit, study, soldier!